Saturday, June 7, 2008


I woke up not knowing what I wanted to do today. Sounds strange, considering I am in Vegas. My mind was cluttered. Not with deliberations on world peace or the global economy, just one of those short-circuit mornings where your mind is still asleep. So, I decided not to push things and let the day come to me. If there is one thing I have learned, do not play poker just to play poker, as it is a recipe for disaster.

After preparing for my day, I decided to hop on the shuttle bus and head to Caesars, with the understanding that if I was in the right frame of mind, I would play the tournament; if not, I was on the strip and could do anything.

I took the time on the bus to meditate and clear my mind. As we pulled into Caesars, the cloud lifted and it became clear what was missing: balance.

Since I first landed in Vegas, all my activities have been poker-related (the website, tournaments, writing, contacts, etc.). Poker is a passion of mine but without variety or a healthy life-diet, the game can become stale.

I grew up in the country and nature always centers me. But where was I going to find nature on the strip. Without a doubt, I was going to have to find a suitable alternative. So, I followed my ears and feet to the fountains in front of Caesars (not ideal but would do in a pinch).

Five minutes later, it seemed like a different world. The clutter cleared. I was in tune and could once again honestly voice the following answers.

This moment.

The concept is not my creation. The words are not mine alone. They are the key to balance.

How do you answer the following questions?

1) Where are you?
2) What time is it?
3) What are you?

Ohhmmm... ~Sammy "The Zentist"


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