Saturday, June 7, 2008

CHOMP!NG AT THE BIT: Missing Socks and a Parallel Universe

Some of the common bonds shared by mankind:
-Lost socks

Is it possible that clothes dryers are a portal to a parallel universe? If not, where do all of the socks go? I'm going with the portal theory because I can't accept that they actually grow legs and walk away. Also, if I go with the portal theory, it gives me some hope that they may return (or that once science catches up, I will be able to hunt them down). How cool would that be? To travel through your dryer to a strange new land and be reunited with your clothing and possibly other lost items.

One thing I would immediately look for, my missing "do not disturb" sign from my hotel room.

For the past three nights, I placed the sign on my door to avoid the early "housekeeping" chant. For the past three nights, it has disappeared (each night I request a new one from housekeeping).

Now, either there is a clothes dryer nearby and ghosts of socks past have kidnapped my signs to disturb my slumber OR someone gets joy from stealing "do not disturb" signs. Again, I'm gonna go with the portal to another universe theory because I fail to believe that someone's life is that boring that they would have to remove guests' "do not disturb" signs.

Can you imagine? "Oh, this will be soooo cool, let me take everyone's sign. Hee hee hee."

I have come to two conclusions.
1) Misfit socks and vacationing signs are lounging in some uncharted territory, discussing the meaning of life
2) Some dreadfully boring person is giggling among a pile of stolen signs, "hee hee hee, do not disturb, do not disturb, hee hee."

I really hope it is the former.

Chomp! ~Sammy "The Dentist"


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