Saturday, June 7, 2008

CHOMP!NG AT THE BIT: Reality Checks

Upon my bust out yesterday, I heard the same stories echoing throughout the halls as hundreds of poker players called family/friends/business associates: "I can't believe he called my bet," "What did she think I had," "I never get lucky," "Why does this always happen to me," "Why, why, why?"

Not I.

After taking the worst of it, I take some time to decompress and reflect on life (not poker). Once I regain proper perspective, I go back and honestly review my play to find areas to improve.

Overall, I did play well; made good reads/laydowns when I was behind, profiled my table very well, and even on the hand that knocked me out of the tournament, I made the right play (considering the math/situation).

Later in the evening, I watched ESPN and the ABC newscast. Here are my reality checks for today.

Now, I understand what a commentator means when he/she uses the words warrior/courage/life and death in the context of a sports contest but I couldn't help but be struck by the irony as I flipped the channel to ABC.

Reality Check #1: Jack Lucas.

Who is Jack Lucas and why should I care? Jack Lucas was a warrior in the truest sense of the word, displaying the utmost courage in a true life-and-death situation.

(The following content was sourced from the ABC newscast and my research.)

At the age of 13 (no, that is not a typo, thirteen), Jack Lucas forged his mother's signature in order to join the Marines (after the attack on Pearl Harbor).

At age 17, he became the youngest recipient of the Medal of Honor (for shielding his men from two grenades (at Iwo Jima) by jumping on top of the grenades...he miraculously survived the explosion, that resulted in over 250 pieces of shrapnel in his body and 26 operations).

On 5 June 2008, Jack Luckas died. He was 80 years old.

Reality Check #2: RFK

Although I was not born when Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated, the impact is not lost on me.

On 5 June 1968, RFK was shot (later dying on the 6th).

So, in answer to all those voices echoing the halls of the Rio with their "why, why, why"...

"Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not." ~Robert F. Kennedy (presidential campaign in 1968)


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