Saturday, June 7, 2008

CHOMP!NG AT THE BIT: Zombie Land and Snippets

As I entered Caesars to register for today's tournament, I couldn't help noticing all the zombies. No, it wasn't an halloween party, merely the dazed inhabitants hypnotized by the soothing sounds of the casino floor. Some half-asleep so early in the morning, others yet to go to bed.

Today's new plan: register/breakfast/play/win big!

By the way, if you have never tried a Payard crepe, you are missing out. I had such a hankering for an egg/ham/cheese crepe, only to be disappointed by an over 30-minute wait! Plan B: coffee and cheese danish.

Decided to break down and pay $13.99 to get a connection to the Internet (for 24 hours). :::sigh::: Imagine my frustration, the signal was full while I made the transaction but quickly faded to one bar. Hmmm, could it be Satan?!? At least (hopefully), I will be able to send updates throughout the day.

Table: 50
Seat: 2

More later...

Chomp! ~Sammy "The Dentist"


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