Saturday, June 7, 2008

CHOMP!NG AT THE BIT: Putting Mother Nature On Hold

Not a bad table draw for today. Quickly profiled the table and felt comfortable early. Not as many overall players as yesterday (about 100 less). Started off pretty strong and set some good traps that ended poorly for me (when opponents sucked out on me). All part of the game. No sweat. I am playing well...losing the minimum while winning the max (on most occasions).

Just before the break, I lost a small pot. Ended with about T$10K.

What I am about to tell you is no secret or new information to the poker community: poker tournaments (specifically on a break) are prime locations to witness a rare occurrence: the line to the men's room is longer than that of the women's room. Yikes! That's what I get for putting Mother Nature on hold.

The restrooms right outside of the tournament area were packed. Since we only had a 15-minute break, I decided to search out facilities deeper into the casino (in hopes that there would be no lines). Yes! My plan worked and just in time, as the pain in my bladder began to pulsatingly laugh at me, "you fool, do not deny us, we own you, mwhahaha!"

I look up and see, RESTROOMS (what a glorious word!).

Quickly (yet gingerly) I weave through the crowd, eager to reach my destination and grant myself my only wish in that agonizing moment: relief. NO LINE AT ALL! Woo hoo! I dip my head down, as I try to save time by removing my satchel from around my neck/shoulders. Like a superhero, I successfully complete the task. Spiderman would be proud. Speaking of Spiderman, what is this tingling sensation...

I raised my head to see three women looking at me from the sinks. Their expressions matched their range in age (from over- reactive shock: "oh my god, what are you doing here?", to a nurturing: "oh, you poor child."). One-hundred and eighty degrees later, I was back on the main floor of the casino, straining to make out the word "men" (sans "wo"). Yes, there it is. Is it? After reading the sign 47 times to not repeat my previous mistake, I was reminded why I started this quest.

"Brrrrrrrrr-ring! Brrrrrrrr-ring! Mother Nature calling on line #1."

Luckily, this men's room was empty. My oasis in a desert of mishaps.

Trickle... ~Sammy "The Dentist"


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