Thursday, November 27, 2008

CHOMP!NG AT THE BIT: The Dentist Is Back

After a long hiatus from poker and the blogosphere, I am leaving the day job behind to focus on my well-being and poker overbite.

Day after day of long To Do lists, I sensed something was amiss but dismissed the feeling. It didn't go away. Every few days it would return with renewed strength. Until, I realized the problem: on most days, my name wasn't even on my To Do list and when it was it was squarely at the bottom.

That has to change.

I started to position myself for a vacation (delegating tasks and prepping team members) in the hopes of getting back the old Sam and making him feel new again.

Did You Know?

It takes the human body up to 90 seconds to secrete the needed adrenaline to handle a "crisis" situation. It takes the human body approximately 12 hours to process and overcome the side effects from that one rush of adrenaline.

Do the math and it is no wonder a majority of our population suffers from exhaustion, insomnia, and other health-related issues; compounded over time and/or with pharmaceuticals, the effects can become chronic.

My New To Do List
  • molt the corporate persona and residual stress
  • recognize the onset of stress and decompress accordingly
  • nurture my inner self
  • visit family and reconnect
  • work on my craft (poker/writing)

Tomorrow, I start playing in the Superstacks Hold'Em Series at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino. Let the journey begin.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

Gobble, gobble, chomp!

~Sammy "The Dentist"


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