Sunday, June 29, 2008

CHOMP!NG AT THE BIT: Afterthoughts

(The conclusion to the previous entry Mistakes... is in the works, it should appear later today. In the meantime, here are some afterthoughts from yesterday. I finished 136th out of 250 players.)

I hate this feeling. I beat myself. I made rookie mistakes and, quite frankly, I know better.

-after a major drought of cards, I married myself to a hand
-started to talk myself out of my first instinct
-convinced myself otherwise when I could have (and should have) gotten away from the hand

So, what happened? Why did I make a mistake when I knew better?

-an erosion of patience and balance
-expectation to take down the hand on the flop
-lack of a backup plan (and I ALWAYS have backup plans)
-rushed my decision, resulting in a misread

In essence, I was not in the moment and that clouded my judgement.

I truly could have gotten away from the hand. While my stack size would have been lowest at the table, I still would have had plenty of play...not to mention that one of my strengths is nursing a small stack.

I suppose I could take the silver-lining position that had I not busted by making a mistake, I might not have been inspired to write the previous entry. I prefer to look at this way, I now have a deeper understanding of self and will retain this old/new lesson. Knowledge is knowing. Wisdom is doing.

Pencils down. Class dismissed.

Chomp! ~Sammy "The Zentist"


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