Monday, June 9, 2008

CHOMP!NG AT THE BIT: What Will Today Bring?

Yesterday, I took my advice (re: healthy life-diet).

Nowadays, most people take life-diet to mean a food diet for a healthy life (usually spelled as, life diet). When I refer to life-diet (hyphenated), I mean precisely that...your life's diet. Not some fad or food craze but a well-balanced life. Joy to go with the struggle. Reflection to go with the pain. Improvement to negate complacency.


It is far too easy for me to get sucked into a black hole and become burned out. A lesson that took me far too long to learn. Let's call it, a misapplied work ethic. Once I commit to a project, I am dedicated, focused, and rarely come up for air. Do that long enough and you will drown.

Now, I work smarter not harder.

A few (of many) highlights from yesterday:
-Fun in the sun
-Blissful meditation
-Lots of laughter
-An infinite loop on the tram system (woo hoo, one more time!)
-Shark reef aquarium (at Mandalay Bay)
-Good night's sleep (by the way, my new "do not disturb" sign has yet to disappear) :-)

Chomp! ~Sammy "The Dentist"


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