Friday, June 27, 2008

CHOMP!NG AT THE BIT: In the Beginning...

At the beginning of 2008, I decided to focus more of my time on the business of poker and develop my game to the next level. When next I blinked, the year was half over. Stop the talk. Start doing.

Instead of wasting my time on the small, poorly structured weekend tournaments, it was time to study, game plan, and invest in larger, well-structured events: the World Series of Poker, Mega Stack Series, and now the Heartland Poker Tour ("HPT").

I've heard the HPT described as the minor league of poker. That seems about right to me. If you grant the World Poker Tour ("WPT") "major league" status with its large buy-ins and world-class players, the HPT is a farm system of sorts. No negativity is intended by this comparison. I for one am thankful for the HPT. It gives budding players like myself the chance to gain experience in a similarly well-structured format but at an affordable price. Over time, it is my plan to play well in the HPT events and transition to the WPT.

It's time.

Chomp! ~Sammy "The Dentist"


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