Saturday, June 28, 2008

CHOMP!NG AT THE BIT: Words of the Day

I made it to the lunch break. Quick update, as I scarf down a chicken caesar salad.

I really like the structure but would prefer 60-minute levels instead of 40-minute levels. That said, I do understand there is no other way to complete the tourney in two days and offer this gradual structure. Not a complaint, just a preference.

Started off with 10K in chips and gradually built my stack up to 12K before I walked into a hornet's nest. Down as low as 8K. Then I remembered the word of the day.

(Side note: every day I go through a small ritual. I won't bore you with the details, only the results.)

Most days there is only one word but today there happened to be two: patience and balance.

No need to panic with a stack of 8K; just play my game. Currently at T$13,150.

Chomp! ~Sammy "The Dentist"


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